Ledbury Food Bank
Posted on 12 Jan 2023
At the beginning of 2022, we decided to write five pledges that centred around helping our local community and environment. Our small business wouldn’t function without our loyal customers and the support of the local community, so we wanted to give back in some way - and hold ourselves accountable to do it.
One of these 2022 pledges was to donate 200kg of fruit to our local food bank this year in Ledbury. It is an independent food bank that is run entirely by volunteers, meaning that it relies on donations and goodwill to be able to help those who need it most. It is such a sad reality that food banks are still needed in the world today, especially in a ‘developed’ country like the UK and a ‘wealthy’ county like Herefordshire. We often think of food poverty as a far-off problem that we are not part of, and yet the increasing living costs are hitting closer to home. When I visited the food bank, I asked one of the volunteers what success looks like. They replied “this not being needed” and I think that says it all.
Therefore, every week from June to the end of October, we donated 40 punnets of fresh fruit - mostly strawberries - so that people who rely on the food bank can still enjoy high quality, fresh fruit that gives nourishment as well as a little bit of joy. Especially for children, we know it is important that they are eating as many fruits and vegetables as possible to help them grow and develop, and we wanted to help families in a little way for all families to be able to provide that. In total, we donated around 250kg to the Ledbury Food Bank.
We are proud to be based in an area that has such a generous and welcoming food bank that helps people when it matters most, but we hope that it will no longer be needed.
What can I do?
If you would like to donate or volunteer at Ledbury food bank, you can visit them online at https://www.ledburyfoodbank.org/ to find out more - we’re sure any help would be highly appreciated by the volunteers that work so hard to keep it running.
They are found at Unit 1, Homend Trading Estate, Ledbury HR8 1AR. Open 10am-12 noon on Wednesday and Friday. Voucher authorisation agencies are found on their website.
You can donate things like food and toiletries, in donation trolleys at Tesco and the Co-op, the Food Bank during opening hours, most churches in the area, TSB Ledbury, Halo Ledbury and Leadon Bank.
Do what you can, and please don't go hungry.