Our Blog!

World Refill Day and Our Commitment

Posted on 17 Jun 2022

World Refill Day is a global campaign to prevent plastic pollution and help people live with less waste.

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World Refill Day and Our Commitment

World Environment Day

Posted on 13 Jun 2022

Last weekend many people across the country celebrated the Jubilee Bank Holiday Weekend, but this wasn’t the only important day in our diary for the weekend, as World Environment Day was on the 5th June.

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World Environment Day

Being Women in Business

Posted on 20 May 2022

Berries Unlocked is a young, female-led micro business, and we are so proud of how far our business has come since Ariana set up a little road-side stall back in 2017. However, we could not have done it without the support and encouragement of other strong, hard-working women.

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Being Women in Business

Another Chat with Tim!

Posted on 19 Apr 2022

It’s been almost two years since we last had a chat with Tim Shelley, Project Leader of Haygrove’s Community Gardens initiative in Ross-on-Wye, and plenty has changed in that time! So, we sat down with him to discuss all things green… including the garden’s drive for sustainability post-pandemic, and the new zero waste stall.

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Another Chat with Tim!

A Chat with The Ludlow Nut Company

Posted on 14 Mar 2022

Their healthy - and super tasty - products have been in our vending machine for a little while now, and they have proven incredibly popular! So, we thought it was about time that the Berries Unlocked team sat down and had a chat with Helen Graham, founder and director of The Ludlow Nut Company, to find out a little more about the business.

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A Chat with The Ludlow Nut Company